Saturday, October 18, 2014

What are "Vibes"? A Simple & Nonscientific "Vibes" Explanation

 By: Robert C. Griffin Jr

     Whatitdew ya'll!?  I have a great way of explaining to someone, who doesn't or just can't understand, that there are unseen (and some you can see) vibes and/or energies in every space or area ...all around us.  And they can either be positive or negative.
     Ask them if they could eat a meal in a bathroom.  No matter how clean it could be cleaner than the dining would still be in a bathroom. 
     That feeling you would get trying to eat in the bathroom, is that unseen energy that makes it a negative experience for us. Even if it is all in your mind...because that is, ultimately,  where the vibes will resonate and matter most with you... am I right?  


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