Monday, September 29, 2014

Don't look at em directly...that's how they hypnotize us!!!

 Written by Robert C Griffin Jr.                    
What's up ya'll!? Today I have a fantastic wellness tip: Whenever a food commercial or ad is in your view, intentionally look away! And I have at least 3 good reasons why... 1.They are highly subliminal & make u hungry when you really aren't. 2.The "food" is usually high fat and/or sugar laden in advertising. 3.The food NEVER looks like it does in the ad really & it usually isn't as good as it looked either! Just don't even look. I'm serious, because I have noticed that I had been looking...and the ads DO work very well! I hate feeling like a sucker though...fool me once, fool me twice, even 100s of times...but damn!

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